Точева-Клопова, Кокошкова and Илиева-2021 logo

Customer Support Specialist with Italian, French or German and English

Поради епидемичната обстановка съветваме всички кандидати да осъществяват контакт с нас по телефон и да се въздържат от посещения на място в нашия офис. Благодарим за разбирането!Астреа РикрутмънтАстреа Рикрутмънт е създадена през 2007 година с една основна мисия – да бъдем различни. Превърнахме това виждане в основен двигател на нашите усилия да сме винаги на разположение, когато клиентите и партньорите ни имат нужда от нас, за да ги консултираме и напътстваме при вземането на важни решения.Започнахме с офис в София и след няколко години на професионализъм успяхме да се разширим и във Велико Търново.Нашите партньори се увеличават всеки ден и тяхното удовлетворение е най-добрата визитна картичка за нас.Нашите ценности:* Професионална отговорност;* Лична и социална ангажираност;* Конфиденциалност;* Етика;* Съчетаване на добрите практики с иновационни подходи.Софияул. Царибродска 70, ет. 2, офис 3Тел./Fаx: +359 (02) 862 6318M: +359 (885) 865 066Велико Търновобул. България 2, ет. 2, офис 11-12Тел./Fаx: +359 (02) 862 6318M: +359 (882) 46 78 51Astrea RecruitmentAstrea Recruitment was found in 2007 with one principal mission – to be different. We transformed this vision into a key driver of our efforts to be always available when our clients or partners need us to advise and guide them in taking important decisions.We started with one office based in Sofia and after several years of professional and hard work, we have managed to grow and open another office in Veliko Tarnovo.Our partners are increasing continuously and their satisfaction is the best business card for us.Values:* Professional responsibility;* Personal and social commitment;* Confidentiality;* Ethics;* Combining good practices with innovative approaches.Sofia70 Tsaribrodska str, floor 2, office 3Phone/Fаx: +359 (02) 862 6318M: +359 (885) 865 066Veliko Tarnovo2 Bulgaria blvd, floor 2, office 11-12Phone/Fаx: +359 (02) 862 6318M: +359 (882) 46 78 51

Astrea was found in 2007 with one principal mission – to be different.
We transformed this vision into a key driver of our efforts to be always available when our clients or partners need us to advise and guide them in taking important decisions.
Our partners are increasing continuously and their satisfaction is the best business card for us.

For one of our clients – a leading multinational company – we are looking for Customer Support Specialist with  Italian, French or German and English.

Essential Job Duties and Responsibilities:
* Provides entry level support for network and telecom infrastructure;
* Meet individual customer service call volume and quality expectations;
* Act as the primary contact for eligibility updates to ensure clients' records are loaded in a timely manner;
* Develop and maintain an active sales funnel of opportunities connected with the product portfolio;
* Support special campaigns and the tracking of results associated with these projects.

* Very Good  Italian, French or German and English (C1);
* Strong written and verbal communication skills;
* Ability to work independently and in a group;
* Knowledge of PC operating system troubleshooting and general understanding of network communications;
* Be a self-starter who can prioritize tasks and manage deadlines.

Our client’s offer:
* Nice working environment;
* Full-time assignment;
* Attractive salary;
* Opportunities for professional growth.

If you are interested, challenged and convinced you are the right candidate, do not hesitate and send your detailed resume in English (Do not forget to point the ref. N r_SM_CSS)

Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted in a timely manner.

All the information is protected by the Commision for the Protection of Personal Data
(Astrea Recruitment. - reg No 1809)

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности