Field Service Technician

Основана през 1873 г. в Швеция, Atlas Copco има повече от 140 години опит в иновациите и устойчивата производителност. Ние обслужваме клиенти в повече от 180 страни по света с продукти и услуги, фокусирани върху производителността, енергийната ефективност, безопасност и ергономичност. Атлас Копко България предлага продукти и услуги в областта на оборудване за компресиран въздух и газове, сервиз и отдаване под наем вече над 10 години. Друга важна част от дейността на компанията е обследване и анализ на работата на компресорни инсталации и предлагане на решения за оптимизация. Ценностите ни са отразени в нашите отдадени на работата си служители, както и в иновативните продукти и услуги, които предлагаме. Създаването на дълготрайни резултати с отговорно използване на ресурсите е това, което наричаме устойчива продуктивност.

Is your day successful if you can keep the machines running and if customers are satisfied with your work? As a service technician, do you enjoy having a team of colleagues that looks after your daily planning, makes sure the right spare parts you need are delivered on time and supports you remotely when you are facing more complex technical issues?
We are looking for someone who loves to work autonomously in a diversity of companies. Do you enjoy travelling to different customers in your dedicated region? You can start your day from home and drive to the customer with a company vehicle fully equipped with safe and rock-solid tools.
Do you get energy when you can learn new things? Our customers have a range of different types of compressors with a variety of technologies (from mechanical, electronic to Internet Of Things and complex control mechanisms) allowing you to grow in techniques and specializations based on your interests and experience. We are proud of our dedicated training academies, supported by experts who are also reflecting on what service will look like in the future.
Do you have an affinity with working with machines, and, above all, are you eager to work and to be trained as a service technician?
Then we would like to get to know you better and to see if you click, not only with our position as service technician, but also with our own company values.
Experience & Knowledge
2-3 Professional experience in repair and maintenance of industrial equipment.
Technical education graduate (Mechanical or Electrical studies) or with significant technical experience in industrial equipment.
Native level speaker of Bulgarian language with good knowledge of the English language.
Experienced in working with MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) and with a desire to learn new systems.
Passionate people create exceptional things
Did you know that the solutions we develop are a key part of most industries? Electronics, medical research, renewable energy, food production, infrastructure and many more.
We´re everywhere!
Working with us means working with the latest technologies and groundbreaking, sustainable innovations. With our inclusive and caring environment, you get the support and inspiration you need to grow. Here, your ideas are embraced, and you never stop learning.
Interested in being part of our team? Join us on our journey for a better tomorrow.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Ремонтни и Монтажни дейности