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Reception and Administration Assistant

Melexis е глобална инженерна компания и световен лидер в проектирането, разработването и доставянето на решения в сферата на микроелектрониката за клиенти от автомобилната промишленост, индустриалния, потребителския и медицински сектор.Компанията е създадена преди повече от 30г. в Белгия, като понастоящем има представителства в 19 локации по света, на 3 континента и над 1 500 служители. Melexis започва дейността си в България през 2000 г. с екип от 50 професионалисти. Към момента за компанията в България работят над 600 човека.Нашето портфолио обхваща широк спектър от приложения - от позиционен сензор за оптимизиране работата двигателя на автомобила, до чип, управляващ вентилатора на дрона, или инфрачервен температурен сензор, използван в електронните безконтактни термометри.Решенията, които предлагаме, имат за цел да намалят вредата за околната среда, да подобрят безопасността и сигурността, и да осигурят комфорт за хората.Melexis България се разширява! Горди сме с нашата високотехнологична сграда, предлагаща приятелска работна среда, с която разширяваме и нашето производство, научноизследователската и развойна дейност. Тя е и израз на стратегията за растеж на Melexis, отразява ценностите на компанията и ще допринесе за борбата с глобалния недостиг на чипове.Ако сте енергична и мотивирана личност, и бихте искали да работите и се развивате във високотехнологична компания, кандидатствайте по някоя от отворените ни позиции в Melexis. ***Melexis is a global engineering company and a world leader in the design, development and delivery of microelectronics solutions for customers in the automotive, industrial, consumer and medical sectors.Melexis was founded more than 30 year ago in Belgium, currently has offices in 19 locations in 3 different continents and over 1,500 employees. Melexis came to Bulgaria in 2000 and started with a team of 50 professionals. Now the company employs more than 600 people in Bulgaria.Our portfolio of products covers a wide range of applications - from a position sensor for optimizing the performance of the car engine, to a cooling fan chip for Drones or InfraRed temperature sensor, used in forehead thermometer.Solutions we provide are aiming to reduce environmental footprint, enhance safety and security, and provide comfort for people.Melexis Bulgaria is expanding! We are all excited about our high-tech building offering a friendly working environment.With the new facility in Sofia we expand our production and R&D. It supports the Melexis growth strategy, transpires the values of the company and is essential in fighting the global chip shortage. It will shine another light on Sofia and the people working there.

For over a decade, our customers in the automotive electronics market have inspired us to create, manufacture and deliver advanced Mixed Signal semiconductors, sensor ICs, and programmable sensor IC systems. Through the stringent quality expectations, hostile operating conditions, and aggressive economic targets demanded by our automotive customers, Melexis has developed the capability to produce world-class, value-driven, innovative products. With headquarter in Belgium and branches in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, the USA, Greater China, and the Philippines, Melexis-Bulgaria has been operating since 2000 and is one of the leading centers of development in the company.

We are currently looking for a highly motivated individuals to join our team as a Reception and Administration Assistant who will be involved within variety of administrative activities and providing support to different company departments.


As a Reception and Administration Assistant you will be involved within all reception activities, a variety of administrative topics and providing support to different company departments.

More specifically, you will:

1. Perform front-line activities at the Reception center in Melexis Bulgaria. Provide administrative support and act as first point of contact for various stakeholders:

  • Register, welcome and accommodate guests and visitors;

  • Arrange appointments and travelling;

  • Answer/ redirect phone calls and emails;

  • Apply and clarify the Internal policy for access control;

  • Receive and distribute external postal items. Act as point of contact for courier suppliers.

2. Support overall administrative processes and procedures such as:

  • Office supplies (stationery, water, consumables etc.);

  • Communications with subcontractors;

  • Prepare reports for the performed activities;

  • Act as a support and back-up in activities of Administration and Communication team;

  • Manage and administrate online and off-line platforms used for internal automated processes, such as: access control system, access cards printer, automated distribution of food vouchers, external visitors’ management system.

3. Contribute to the improvement and optimization of administrative processes;


  • Relevant education – high school diploma or university degree (ongoing or finished);

  • Positive and customer oriented attitude;

  • Excellent communication skills;

  • Good organizational skills and attention to detail;

  • Very good command of Microsoft Office;

  • Fluent command in English;

  • Willingness to learn.


  • Part-time work on 5-days working week;

  • A challenging job in a dynamic high-tech international environment;

  • The opportunity to take ownership of your professional passion in order to contribute to the success of the company;

  • An enjoyable, team-oriented and professional atmosphere in a flat-structured organization;

  • Versatile development opportunities.

If you believe you can make a difference in our organization, send your CV in English.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности