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Monitoring and Process Automation Specialist

Еnglish Home е лидер в областта на луксозният домашнен текстил и аксесоари за дома.Компанията е създадена през 2008 година с централен офис в Истанбул, Турция.В момента English Home разполага с над 400 магазина на територията на Турция, Украйна, Гърция, Румъния, Полша и разбира се България с търговски обекти в София (6), в Бургас (1), в Пловдив (1), във Варна (1), в Велико Търново(1), в Русе (1) Всички магазини на English Home се намират на топ локации и се отличават с изискан интериор и елегантен аранжимент.Концепцията на марката е вдъхновена от британския "кънтри" стил, както и съчетания от пастелни тонове и изящни флорални мотиви, характерни за ориенталската култура. English Home предлага решение за всеки клиент, който иска да превърне дома си в уютно, стилно и комфортно място. Това е възможно благодарение на предлагането огромно разнообразие от продукти и аксесоари, отличаващи се с изключително високо качество и достъпни цени. Марката се отличава с комбинацията от класическа визия, нежни цветови композиции, висококачествени материали и изключително клиентско обслужване. Нашата мисия: Да направим света едно по-красиво място с нашите продукти, за да се почувстват нашите клиенти като у дома си, дори когато не са!Нашето мото:Нашият дом е и ваш дом! Добре дошли у дома!

There are countless tempting destinations and we all dream about them. The most desirable destination for all of us is the perfect workplace! Our consultants work commits to finding the working environment you thrive in.

The Role: Work with one of the best and highly regarded open source softwares for IT infrastructure monitoring, Check MK, to monitor Linux systems, design and develop dashboards, and create reports. Build actionable visualizations, integrate incident alerts and indicators for atypical activities, automate different processes, and handle performance tuning – all in the interest of minimizing service failures. Perform scheduled and emergency on-call duties and collaborate with other team members for the solution of complex technical cases.
The Company: A leading organization in the field of information and communication technologies, rapidly expanding their business towards provision of innovative and optimal digital transformation solutions for their customers all around the world.
The Team: A group of Linux experts, firm believers in the concept of open-source technologies and the freedom for customization and optimization Linux operating systems provide. A mixture of technical experts with colorful personalities, united by their passion for tinkering and creating elegant solutions even when faced with the most challenging tasks.
The Culture: Friendly and welcoming environment established and nurtured by each and every employee. The best place to meet and learn from a variety of experts, specializing in some of the most exciting technologies on the market up to date!
The Offer: Opportunity to grow your potential and lead your career in many intriguing directions within the company, including the option to get certifications in a number of desired technologies and go through a detailed Check MK training. Flexible start of the workday and option to work from home. Carefully curated social benefits package including additional health insurance, sports card, employee discounts, and kindergarten.
The Candidate: Ambitious individual with previous experience in operating and administering Linux systems, skilled in event management, Bash scripting and basic SQL querying. English speaker with good understanding of communication protocols (TCP/IP, UDP) and other networking concepts (like DNS, NAT and gateways).

If you are ready to boost your career and add exciting modern tools to your skill set, do not hesitate and send us your CV today!

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. We thank all applicants for their interest, our team will contact only those candidates selected for interviews. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Recruitment license from National Agency of Employment № 3103.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности