Wyser е международна компания, осъществяваща услуги за търсене и подбор на експерти, специалисти, среден и висш мениджмънт. Wyser има представителства в Европа, Южна Америка, Северна Америка и Азия, които ни позволяват да работим с компании и кандидати в над 40 страни. Wyser е част от Gi Group  – лидер на международния пазар в областта на специализираните услуги, посветени на развитието на пазара на труда. Нашата мисия е да прокараме мост между стойностните кандидати, които желаят да се развиват и компаниите, които са заинтересовани от наемането на лидери и наистина обещаващи таланти. В работата си се ръководим от желанието да изградим дългосрочни взаимоотношения с партньорите ни, приемаме с ентусиазъм техните предизвикателства и се стремим да ги подпомагаме във вземането на най-добрите решения. При всеки проект, влагаме отдаденост, компетентност, професионализъм и запазваме конфиденциалност, както по отношение на кандидатите, така и за компаниите–клиенти. Ние сме наясно колко е важна работата за всекиго и вярваме, че ценността на компанията се измерва чрез потенциала, таланта и стойността на хората в нея. Стойността на нашето предложение се основава на пет стратегически елемента: Персонализиран консултантски подход в процеса на подбор, основан на идентифициране конкретните нужди на корпоративните клиенти и създаване на индивидуални решения; Фокус върху конкретни професионални групи, който ни позволява да се възползваме от своя богат и постоянно развиващ се опит в областта на Маркетинга & Продажбите, Технически & Инженерни дисциплини, Счетоводство & Финанси, Застраховане & Банкиране, Медицина & Фармация и Управление на Човешки ресурси; Прецизна и структурирана методология, върху която градим добрите си партньорски взаимоотношения с местните ни и международни клиенти; Активно взаимодействие с кандидатите, ориентирано към личностното им развитие и професионалното израстване, но и към поддържането на дългосрочни взаимоотношения с тях; Глобално присъствие – представителства на 4 континента в повече от 40 страни, които ни позволяват да обслужваме бързо и ефективно клиентите ни по целия свят.   Company overview: Wyser is an international company oriented in searching for and selecting specialized middle and senior management. Wyser is presented in Europe, South America, North America and Asia and we work with companies and candidates in over 40 countries across the world. Wyser is a part of Gi Group, one of the major international leaders in the field of services specially dedicated to labor market development; Our mission is to translate our clients’ recruitment needs into projects, creating virtuous circles between valuable candidates who want to grow and companies interested in hiring the best leaders and most promising talents; In our work, we are stirred by the desire to build up long-term relationships with our partners, accepting their challenges with enthusiasm and supporting them in finding successful solutions together; We follow every project with a strong focus on the objective, and with dedication, competence, professionalism and confidentiality, towards both candidates and client companies; We are well aware how important work is for every individual. And we believe that the value of a company is always measured by the potential, talent and value of its people;   The value proposition of Wyser is hinged on five strategic keystones: А consulting approach to recruitment, based on the identification of client companies’ specific needs and on the design and subsequent implementation of ad hoc solutions; Specialization by job families, which enables us to draw on thorough and constantly evolving know-how in the fields of Sales & Marketing, Technical & Engineering, Finance & Accounting and Banking & Insurance, Medicine & Pharmacy and Human Resources Management. A structured and planning-oriented methodology used to build wide-ranging long term partnerships with both national and international clients; A candidate management policy strongly oriented to personal development and growth, as well as to a long term-lasting partnership with the candidates themselves; Global presence, with offices in Europe, South and North America and Asia, which enables us to serve companies and candidates in over 40 countries across the world  

Wyser is a global player, specialized in Executive Search, Senior and Middle Management Recruitment. We partner with forward-looking Companies to discover and engage talented Managers. We are present in 13 countries in Europe, America and Asia.
With 110+ years of experience, Tack TMI are the global learning and development experts. With offices across the globe, Tack TMI delivers in 55+ countries, across 37 languages, with one goal - help develop people and organizations to learn and thrive.
Being a Key Account Manager and a Sales Training Practitioner, you will be providing learning and development expertise in the Sales profession, including account management of projects in their entirety and active delivery to individuals and groups.
- You are an experienced, professional, Sales Trainer who has cut their teeth in a variety of sales roles including B2B, long and short sales cycles and key account management before moving into the L&D arena.
- You have a proven sales track record along with a record of designing, delivering and evaluating sales related learning programs for early careers through to seasoned sales professionals.
• Career experience of Sales is essential; delivery in a B2B context to include short cycle sales and key account management.
• Professional training qualification (Certification in Training Practice or similar) is preferred
• Proven track record of designing and actively delivering learning across the sales spectrum
• Proven track record of playing a major role in delivering learning & development projects, from conception and design through to implementation and measurement
• Is passionate about the value of learning & development and its role in unlocking potential in people
• Is motivated by seeing people learn and grow
• Is switched on to the commercial drivers of a business and will always place value for money and time at the forefront of their work
• Shows a broader commitment to talent & engagement in general and will be prepared to adapt and flex their role in support of the end goal.
If you recognize yourself in this position, please send us your CV in English. Only shortlisted candidates will be approached.
All applications will be considered under the terms and conditions of confidentiality in accordance with the regulations of personal data protection.
Wyser EOOD activities are based on a recruitment license №2311 issued on 13.07.2017, valid indefinitely.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022

