Ай енд Джи Иншурънс Брокерс ООД/Централен Офис София logo

Deputy CFO

„Ай енд Джи Иншурънс Брокерс“ ООД e международен застрахователен и презастрахователен брокер, част от групата на Unilink S.A, Полша.Oснована през 1994г., компанията има забележително присъствие на българския застрахователен пазар. Заема безспорна лидерска позиция сред застрахователните брокери, като пласира годишно над 112  млн.лв. премии и обслужва над 280 000 застрахователни полици. Ай енд Джи Иншурънс Брокерс предлага обслужване на клиентите си в цялата страна, чрез постоянно разрастваща се мрежа от офиси, към момента наброяваща над 200 офиса в 93 града на България, в които работят 450 отлично подготвени експерта.Ай енд Джи Иншурънс Брокерс изработва специализирани застрахователни програми за различните индустриални сегменти на бизнеса, договаря индивидуални схеми за участие в положителен финансов резултат, прецизно дефинира профила на риска и намира най-добрите решения, предлагани на застрахователния пазар. Компанията създава целенасочена стратегия за управлението на бизнес рискове – от програма за превенция до решения за алтернативен трансфер.  

I&G Insurance Brokers Ltd. is an international insurance and reinsurance broker, part of the Unilink S.A. group, Poland. Offers a wide range of insurance products in the scope of General Insurance, Life Insurance and Voluntary Health Insurance.
We value professionalism and quality of performance of assigned tasks. We have always believed and support the idea that when people work in a team and are motivated enough to do their work in the best way, they always succeed. If you want to work with us - the broker with a high leadership position on the insurance market in Bulgaria, we welcome you with pleasure.
• Providing leadership, direction and management of the finance and accounting team;
• Providing strategic recommendations to the CEO/president and members of the executive management team;
• Managing the process for financial forecasting and budgeting, and overseeing the preparation of all financial reporting in compliance with local standards as well as IFRS accounting;
• Advising on long-term business financial planning;
• Ensuring implementation of financial reporting package in accordance to the group standards;
• Ensuring the on time preparation of monthly financial statements according to the Bulgarian GAAP, as well as quarterly IFRS financial statements according to the Unilink Group accounting and reporting standards;
• Leading the accounting team and driving the digitalization and optimization of the accounting function in the Company;
• Establishing and developing relations with senior management and external partners and stakeholders locally as well as on Group Level, ongoing cooperation and reporting to Group level CFO;
• Ensuring the annual audit process on with local and and group level auditors.
Skills Required
• Educated to university degree level, preferable Finance/Insurance;
• Proficient knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), additional certifications (ACCA, CIMA, etc) will be an asset;
• Experience in tax accounting, tax planning;
• Several years' experience in leading Finance teams in a corporate environment;
• Information management skills including business analysis, data modelling, designing insightful recommendations;
• Proficiency in Excel and broad knowledge in accounting/bookkeeping software;
• Strong numeracy, analytical skills and problem-solving capabilities;
• Strong leadership skills, excellent communication skills and openness to feedback;
• Strategic view, strong conceptual skills as well as high sense of accountability and ownership;
• Proactive, self-drive, hands-on approach and can-do attitude;
• Fluency in English and Bulgarian is a must.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби