Станишев Inc-2002 logo

Junior Strategic Purchaser

БТЛ Индъстрийз е световен лидер в разработката, производството, търговията и сервиза на електронна медицинска апаратура в три основни направления – физиотерапия, кардиология и естетична медицина. Компанията оперира в над 100 държави от цял свят, като в над 60 от тях има собствени търговски фирми, а в останалите работи чрез независими екслузивни дистрибутори.Създадена в началото на 90-те години на XX век в Чехия, компанията стъпва в България през 1998г с разкриването на търговски офис. От 2002г производството на медицинска апаратура и международната дистрибуция на фирмата се локализирани в Пловдив.За да разшири потенциала си за създаване на нови продукти, през 2014г компанията открива и български център за развойна дейност, базиран в София.С оглед на ежегодното позициониране на нови продукти през последните години БТЛ прогресивно се разраства, с което разширява и екипа в България._______________________________________________________________BTL is a leading international provider of state-of-the-art medical equipment with 20 years history of success. With over 1300 employees worldwide including more than 250 product development engineers we design, produce and sell devices for cardiology, physiotherapy and aesthetic medicine in more than 100 countries across 5 continents. Covering all international standards in the medical field our main production facility located in Plovdiv, Bulgaria is manufacturing and shipping devices all over the world for more than 15 years. Challenging the boundaries and innovating our R&D activities in Sofia, Bulgaria with highly motivated team brings new ideas to complete products ready to serve the people for a better quality of life. See more at our corporate websites.

BTL Industries is a leading international manufacturer of electronic medical equipment in three market segments: cardiology, physiotherapy and aesthetic medicine. For more than 20 years the company has been successfully operating and developing in Bulgaria, where the main manufacturing facility of electronic medical equipment is based.

We are looking for Junior Strategic Purchaser to join as our newest addition!

We will help you develop in these areas:

  • Taking part in the process of finding new suppliers

  • Managing the RFQ process, quotation analysis and reporting

  • To be active part in meetings with other departments

  • Support the process of new product implementation and product transfer

  • Participating in the supplier selection decisions and risk mitigation actions

  • Participating in Supplier audits ad hoc

  • Maintaining MRP system

  • Maintaining and update supplier certificates and other documentation

  • Be part of supplier development initiatives

What Skills, Experience, Knowledge you need:

  • University degree in Mechanical Engineering or Economics

  • Knowledge of mass production - mechanical or electronic devices

  • Experience in the field of purchasing

  • English language skills - verbal and written

  • Good communications and skills

  • Analytical thinking

  • Experience with ERP systems

What BTL Industries offers:

  • Our products help people - we strive to develop the best-in-class products and medical treatments for patients;

  • We care about our teammates - it is our policy to establish long-term working relationships and to maintain an environment for continuous development;

  • We continue to grow - our strategy is to get bigger, better, more efficient and recognizable in the field of medical equipment

  • You will find a friendly and informal working atmosphere created by direct and open communication;

  • We offer a competitive remuneration linked to the individual performance, flexible working time, additional health insurance and food vouchers

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности