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Intern Finance & Pricing/ Risk & Compliance/ Operations

АЛД Аутомотив България е дружество от групата на Сосиете Женерал, специализирано в предоставянето на услугите оперативен лизинг с включено пълно обслужване и управление на автопаркове.АЛД Аутомотив предлага оптимизирани решения на своите клиенти в 43 страни по света. Екипите във всяка една от тези държави работят в сътрудничество със своите международни колеги, с цел изграждането на персонализирани партньорства, които най-добре да отговoрят на нуждите на клиента. Ние поставяме удовлетвореността на клиентите в основата на нашата стратегия, като се стремим да предоставяме на управителите на автопаркове и водачите на автомобили иновативни инструменти и услуги, които да ги улеснят в тяхната ежедневна дейност и да им помогнат да посрещнат новите предизвикателства.

Internship Programme
Finance & Pricing/ Risk & Compliance/ Operations
Would you like to gain professional experience and start your career in an international company
.... then join our internship programme!
ALD Automotive offers fleet management and long-term vehicle leasing solutions to companies in 43 countries. International and local teams are continuously working together to build tailored partnerships that best fit the client’s needs. Placing client satisfaction at the core of its strategy, ALD Automotive provides fleet managers and drivers with innovative tools and services to ease their everyday business and meet new challenges to come.
Finance Department establishes the highest standards in finance and accounting in line with Group and regulatory requirements with focus on accuracy, data quality and timeliness. Pricing team combines Group know-how, local market and industry knowledge to build the pricing matrix of the company – a milestone over our business sustainability and success.
Operations Department focuses its efforts on providing leasing customers with highly professional service to ensure mobility and safe driving experience. Targets are achieved through streamlined communication with both customers and suppliers, high level of technical expertise, neat documents handling.
Risk and Compliance Department ensures the establishment and fulfilment of risk policy in line with Group and industry standards and more in particular related to the assessment of credit and compliance risk (including KYC process and AML) at the level of all counterparties, legal compliance, internal audit and permanent control, operational risk, process development, ethics and conduct.
The activities managed in all departments are comprehensive and require a positive attitude driven by curiosity, enjoyment in dynamics, quick learning and problem solving.

Our expectations about you:
- Graduated student / Final year university degree
- Excellent command of English
- Willingness for active learning during the one-year program
- Possibility to practice at least 20 hours a week
Our offer for you:
- Paid long-term internship program in Finance/ Risk&Compliance/ Operations Departments
- Pleasant working atmosphere in a team of professionals
- Gaining international experience and key competencies
- Opportunity for long-term employment after successful completion of the internship
Apply for our internship by submitting your detailed CV in English.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности