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HR Business Partner

Търговска  верига с вече повече от 3000 магазина в  50 държави. Стартирала в Дания, компанията днес има магазини в почти цяла Европа и Северна Америка. В България фирмата отваря първия си магазин през ноември 2005 г. в град Пловдив, а по-късно във Велико Търново и София. В момента в България разполагаме с магазини и в Бургас, Стара Загора, Казанлък, Плевен, Габрово, Варна, Асеновград, Пазарджик, Перник, Русе, Видин, Монтана, Враца, Ямбол, Сливен, Шумен, Добрич, Търговище, Димитровград, Кюстендил, Дупница, Благоевград. През есента на 2018 г. JYSK отвори огромен дистрибуционен център в Божурище, от който извършва доставки на продукти до всички свои магазини и онлайн клиенти в 5 държави на Балканите.JYSK търгува със стоки, предназначени за дома и неговото обзавеждане - мебели, текстил, аксесоари, градина и др. Един от често задаваните от нашите клиенти въпроси е: Как се произнася името на веригата? Ето и отговорът: JYSK се произнася като „ЮСК”. На датски името значи не само, че сте от северната провинция Ютланд, но също е и синоним на скромност, етичност и честност. JYSK е компания, на която можете да се доверите – ние държим на думата си! Мотото на JYSK е „Високо качество на ниска цена”, което получават милиони клиенти всеки ден.

HR Business Partner

Company Description

JYSK is an ambitious fast growing Danish Retail company with a solid financial background that values dedicated hard work. We have 46 stores in Bulgaria and are planning to open more in the coming years.

We are searching for a result driven, proactive, competent and committed HR Business Partner with potential to develop with the business.

You will be located in our head office in Bozhurishte, Sofia. You will be the daily trainer and sparring partner primary for all the stores assigned to you, but also for the entire organisation, in all matters such as recruitment,
training, personal development, labour law, and introduction of new employees work environment etc.

You will report directly to Simona Carp, HR Manager for Romania & Bulgaria. Therefore, you will have the opportunity to be involved in all aspects of HR and some of the best HR tools will be at your disposal.

Job Description

  • Recruit, train and develop the store managers and store employees to support our ambition to be the best within Retail

  • Setting the strongest teams and develop them

  • Follow up on talent’s performance

  • Implement different HR procedures into the organisation, which also may includes translating and updating our concepts and training materials

  • Visit the stores to ensure HR concept is followed and our core values are alive and active

  • In time you will be more and more involved in the other HR areas and you will have the opportunity to grow with the organisation.

  • Provide support to the line managers in labor law and in all other HR related issues and HR administration. Salary is not part of the HR tasks.


  • You are an HR generalist with a total experience of 4-7 years in HR;

  • You worked as HR in a retail company for at least 2 years in more than one of the following areas: Recruitment, L&D, Performance, Business Partnering;

  • HR business partnering experience within retail will be consider an advantage

  • You have experience with recruitment, training and development

  • You are very good in planning and implementing, and also in follow-up

  • You have the ability to influence and communicate at all levels, which goes hand in hand with your positive, persistent and flexible attitude

  • You have logical and practical approach in order to get things done and flexibility personality

  • You like to travel and spend time with the employees in the stores

  • You are fluent in English (both written & verbal)

Therefore we seek a person having the following qualifications:

  • Available to travel – aprox. 50%

  • Friendly and “customer first” oriented attitude

  • Can do and hands on attitude

  • Energetic and positive

  • Result driven, but also people oriented

  • Out of the box thinking and open to accept other ideas

  • Ability to prioritise workload to meet deadlines; Multitasking

  • Computer skills, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook)

  • Clear driver license

  • Ability to work in a multinational/multicultural environment

Additional information

We offer you:

  • opportunities for development on your career

  • the chance to compete, win and celebrate excellent performance

  • the responsibility to influence important key figures

  • a company culture with fast and practical decision at all levels in the organisation

  • structure and concepts that create opportunities for you to deliver excellent results

  • a great introduction programme together with a training plan which will help you to deliver excellent results

Curious? Then send your CV as soon as possible. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

За контакти:


Отдел “човешки ресурси”

ул. Ларс Ларсен 1, Божурище

обл. София - град 2227

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби