Роберт Бош ЕООД logo


Група Бош е водещ световен доставчик на технологии и услуги с около 394,500 служители (към 31.12.2020 г.). По предварителни данни през 2020 г. компанията реализира продажби в размер на 71,6 млрд. евро. Дейността на Бош е организирана в четири бизнес сектора – „Решения за мобилност”, „Индустриална техника”, „Потребителски стоки” и „Енергийна и сградна техника”. Като водеща IoT компания Бош предлага иновативни решения за интелигентния дом, умните градове, свързаната мобилност и свързаната индустрия. Със своята компетентност в сензорните технологии, софтуера и услугите, както и със своя собствен IoT облак, компанията предлага на потребителите си свързани, разнообразни решения за най-различни области само от един доставчик. Стратегическа цел на Бош е разработването на „Техника за живота” – иновативни и вдъхновяващи решения за подобряване качеството на живот в свързания свят. Група Бош включва Robert Bosch GmbH и неговите около 440 дъщерни и регионални дружества в 60 държави. Заедно с търговските и сервизни партньори, производствената, инженерната и търговската мрежа на Бош включват почти всяка една държава в света. Компанията е основана през 1886 г. в Щутгарт от Роберт Бош (1861 – 1942). Специфичната юридическа структура на Robert Bosch GmbH гарантира предприемаческата свобода на Група Бош, давайки възможност за дългосрочно планиране и инвестиции в значими за нейното бъдеще иновации. Благотворителната фондация Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH притежава 92% от капитала на Robert Bosch GmbH. Мажоритарното право на глас се държи от индустриалния тръст Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG, който изпълнява и предприемаческите функции на собственика. Останалата част от дяловете се управлява от семейство Бош и Robert Bosch GmbH.

Start something big today. Apply now.


Company Description

Welcome to a place where your ideas lead to something big. Welcome to Bosch.

Bosch is a leading global supplier of technology and services for the automotive industry.

Bosch Engineering Center Sofia was founded in 2019 as an integral part of Bosch worldwide engineering network.

Today, in the Engineering Center in Sofia, nearly 500 talented software and hardware professionals develop innovative technologies for the automotive industry in areas such as driving assistance, automated driving, AI and electric mobility.

What is more, Bosch Engineering Center Sofia is a strategic partner of the Bosch eBike Systems division. Our engineering teams are involved in the development, integration, and testing of software for eBikes.

Our mission is to contribute to safer mobility through software technologies with care for the environment and society.

Start something big and become a part of forward thinkers where you can create something remarkable!

We are looking for the right person for the following vacancy:

Travel Arranger & Corporate Assistant

Job Description

  • Advise internal Bosch travelers on travel planning, as well as on-trip and post-trip related questions;

  • Consult travelers on valid legal and central directive instructions, as well as optimal travel tool usage;

  • Support travelers in case of tool and handling errors for the cloud-based travel solution and mobile application;

  • Provide hands-on and ad-hoc help/solutions to ensure a smooth business trip for Bosch travelers.

  • Communication with external partners in terms of the business trip

  • Do awareness campaign for the business travel process for all employees

  • Updating and optimizing of the business travel process with the current central directives

  • Expense & other required reports.

  • High assistance in organization & coordination on internal and external communication, events etc.;

  • Collaboration with Administrative & Engineering structures;

  • Compliance with internal rules & corporative procedures of Robert Bosch


  • 1. Participation in internal company trainings & programs.

  • 2. Strictly follow the internal rules in the company such as respecting:

    • Orders of the Direct Management & Managing Directors.

    • Internal work rules.

    • Health & Safety requirements & work conditions.

    • Approved norms of behavior

  • 3. Facilitate Corporate Credit Card issuing

  • 4. Loyalty to the company


  • 1. At least Bachelor’s degree

  • 2. Professional experience on same or similar position

  • 3. Previous experience in Microsoft Office (Outlook; Excel; Word; PowerPoint; etc.)

  • 3. Fluency in English

  • 4. German will be considered as an advantage

  • 5. Ability to work under pressure; teamwork; coordination & subordination of the given tasks; combinability, awareness & precision

  • 6. Attention to details


  • 1. Good knowledge in the information technology field.

  • 2. Polite and professional attitude to the clients, vendors & company employees.

  • 3. Fast and precise performance of all given tasks.

  • 4. Flexibility, resourcefulness, and initiation when in touch with external partners/vendors of the company.

  • 5. Developing trust to the company & validating its good name by precise & exact performance of the responsibilities & tasks.

  • 6. Adequate behavior, professional ethic, and culture.

  • 7. Information discretion & confidentiality

Our Benefits

  • 25 days paid annual leave

  • Additional day off for your birthday

  • Private health insurance and life insurance

  • Food vouchers

  • Transportation allowance

  • Flexible working time and options to work from home

  • Free parking

  • Sports venue pass at a preferential price

  • Parental bonus

  • Learning and development

  • Employee discounts for company products and services

  • Modern office with gaming and relax rooms

  • Fresh fruits and drinks in
    the office

  • Convenient office location

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности