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System Integration Engineer (DevOps)

Еnglish Home е лидер в областта на луксозният домашнен текстил и аксесоари за дома.Компанията е създадена през 2008 година с централен офис в Истанбул, Турция.В момента English Home разполага с над 400 магазина на територията на Турция, Украйна, Гърция, Румъния, Полша и разбира се България с търговски обекти в София (6), в Бургас (1), в Пловдив (1), във Варна (1), в Велико Търново(1), в Русе (1) Всички магазини на English Home се намират на топ локации и се отличават с изискан интериор и елегантен аранжимент.Концепцията на марката е вдъхновена от британския "кънтри" стил, както и съчетания от пастелни тонове и изящни флорални мотиви, характерни за ориенталската култура. English Home предлага решение за всеки клиент, който иска да превърне дома си в уютно, стилно и комфортно място. Това е възможно благодарение на предлагането огромно разнообразие от продукти и аксесоари, отличаващи се с изключително високо качество и достъпни цени. Марката се отличава с комбинацията от класическа визия, нежни цветови композиции, висококачествени материали и изключително клиентско обслужване. Нашата мисия: Да направим света едно по-красиво място с нашите продукти, за да се почувстват нашите клиенти като у дома си, дори когато не са!Нашето мото:Нашият дом е и ваш дом! Добре дошли у дома!

There are countless tempting destinations and we all dream about them. The most desirable destination for all of us is the perfect workplace! Our consultants work commits to finding the working environment you thrive in.  

The Role:  Fuse your systems and security knowledge by joining an international infrastructure team dedicated to implementing, managing, and maintaining Data Center solutions for production infrastructure. Consult and support R&D teams with their devOps and IoT problems and guarantee hands-on implementation and solution-focused approaches. Automate processes for an innovative cloud environment.

The Company: Greentech giant with a bold vision of the future. Part of the solution to climate change on a global scale. Focused on powering smart homes and related environments, creating an array of cost-efficient clean energy products for homeowners and business owners. 

The Culture: Built from a culture of sustainable impact. Guided by a mission to improve how we utilize our energy resources. Granting people the opportunity to save money, protect the environment and create a lasting impact for the generations of the future. 

The Team: Extending the influence beyond the office by partaking in corporate social responsibility practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, extensive global teamwork, and a genuine passion for innovation. People-centric, technology-driven, and environmental visionaries. 

The Offer: Competitive pay and equity package for a better ROI higher than inflation rates. Additional bonus based on achieved company goals and individual performance. Professional development courses and opportunity for team leadership promotions. Social benefits package including extended annual leave, luxurious all-cover health insurance, sports card, and food vouchers. Hybrid or remote work options.

The Candidate: Experienced Linux OS administrator with extensive knowledge of the VMware vSphere product suite and ESXi hypervisor. Proven ability to improve web application performance and availability using NGINX. Good understanding of automation tools such as Ansible, Terraform, Gitlab, PowerShell. Willing to upskill expertise in the area and participate in idea-generation and knowledge sharing. Communicates effectively with team members and international colleagues in fluent English. 

Put the power of solar in the hands of consumers around the world by applying to this job post.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. We thank all applicants for their interest, our team will contact only those candidates selected for interviews. All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality. Recruitment license from National Agency of Employment № 3103. 

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности