Стажант Европейски проекти и програми
„Ню Ай” АД е консултантска компания, предоставяща от 1995 година услуги в областта на проектното и управленско консултиране. Основният ни опит и експертиза са в изпълнение на проекти за предоставяне на техническа помощ на структури на държавната администрация на местно, регионално и централно ниво и консултантски услуги за бизнеса за достъп до публично финансиране.Мисията ни е да идентифицираме и реализираме устойчиви решения за нашите клиенти.Вярваме, че можем да бъдем отговорни в привличането и управлението на средства от европейските структурни и инвестиционни фондове и други донорски програми и чрез разработените проекти да допринасяме за развитието на нашите клиенти и партньори.
New I is a consulting company providing services in the field of project and management consulting since 1995. We are one of the founders of the Bulgarian Association of European Program Consultants (BAKEP), as well as a loyal partner in other organizations for financing European projects.
Providing structured assistance to the business (start-ups, SMEs, large companies, mid-caps, etc.) in terms of analysis of investment concepts, development and management of projects, financed under national and EU programmes.
In addition, New I has a long-proven track record of collaboration with public sector organisations, in particular in terms of: carrying out legal assessments of the normative framework, drafting administrative acts, performance of functional analysis, development of strategic documents in the field of regional development, impact assessments of policies and regulations, feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis, etc.
During the years, we have managed to build a strong and well-prepared expert network, consisting of specialists with diverse backgrounds and profiles thus succeeding in covering each stage, aspect and matter, associated with project design and implementation.
We have a diverse team of experts in various fields of knowledge (law, bioeconomy, environmental sciences, etc.), each with their valuable input for the development of advanced solutions for our clients. Each member of the team has the chance to have their opinions and suggestions heard and discussed. Our employees are well versed in the company mission, vision and values. As a member of our company, you will have the opportunity to advocate for the firm and your personal achievements within it on our social media (by writing and composing articles, blog posts, newsletters, etc.). Your feedback and referrals will be highly valued by the management.
Opportunity to grow and learn by active participation in:
- Preparation of project proposals, including technical and financial documentation
- Project management
- Communication and collaboration with the company's clients about the preparation of project proposals, implementation and reporting of approved projects
- Research and analysis of open and forthcoming funding schemes and procedures
- Analysis of the financing opportunities of the company's clients
- Compliance analysis of the client with regards to the set requirements of the funding operators
- Research and analysis of information in publicly available databases and registers
- Preparation of business, strategic and project execution plans
- Collaboration with municipal and government bodies
- Educational background in European studies/Finance/Business/Economics/Law or related disciplines
- Excellent command of Bulgarian and English (preferably developed through study or work in an English-speaking environment)
- Passion for work in the field of entrepreneurship, management consulting, funding, preparation of business plans, project documentation, execution plans
- Computer literacy, including impeccable MS Word and Excel skills
- Interest in key relevant EU policies
- Willingness and enthusiasm to work on a wide range of policy issues
- Ability to multitask and meet deadlines
- Ability to work in a team
- Proactiveness and ability to prioritize
- Strong analytical skills, critical thinking and “can-do” mindset
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Strong writing and presentation skills
- Onsite position (with the option for remote work whenever the current tasks flow allows it)
- Flexible working time
- Modern office building in the ideal city centre
- Remuneration
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности