Тодорова, Дришльов and Градинарова-2002 logo

Senior Web Designer

Деврикс е една от водещите 20 WordPress development агенции в световен мащаб. С 8 Core contributors, подпомагащи разработката на ядрото на WordPress, както и стотици plugins, 8 SaaS приложения и редица продукти, базираната в София агенция работи по enterprise проекти като Ауди, световни списания с над 200М месечен трафик, технологични стартъпи, комплексни електронни магазини.За разлика от традиционните фирми, използващи WordPress като проста платформа за сайтове, екипът в DevriX развива усърдно проекти с REST API, headless web апликации, множество интеграции със CRM/ERPs и платформи на .NET/Python/Java, работещи паралелно. 

We work smart and we work hard. We are DevriX.

About the Company
DevriX is a Bulgarian-based WordPress design and development company ranking as one of the top 20 WordPress agencies worldwide. Aside from our ongoing client work, we are actively contributing to the WordPress community – the Core platform, open-source plugins, and themes.

We are looking for a Senior Web Designer who is passionate about learning and adhering to the best web design practices on the market, while being extremely creative, innovative, and has an eye for details. 

Our culture is geek-friendly and If you identify with the following, we encourage you to read on as we feel you might be a suitable fit for our team: 

What you'll do:

  • Design highly engaging, progressive interactive user interfaces that are grounded in best practice, user research, and fully compliant with modern web standards.

  • Organise and optimise the structure of website content, considering UX and site usage data.

  • Work both independently and collaboratively to meet project requirements and deadlines.

  • Delegating tasks and setting deadlines for your internal team.

  • Create an inspiring team environment with an open communication culture.

  • Work closely with front-end, project management, and marketing DevriXians across client goals and requirements, along with internal initiatives.


What You’ll Need To Succeed:

  • 5+ years of experience producing visual and responsive designs for web and mobile interfaces.

  • Knowledge of standard design solutions including Figma and Adobe XD, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

  • Familiarity with testing and remediating web accessibility and cross-browser issues for both desktop and mobile. 

  • Great communication and interpersonal skills with the confidence to ask questions and discuss ideas with colleagues and clients.

  • Highly organised with the ability to effectively prioritise tasks and act decisively in an ever-changing fast-paced creative.

  • Strong portfolio demonstrating your unique creative and design skills.

It’s Great If You Have: 

  • Solid artistic skills.

  • 2+ years of experience with front-end development with HTML and CSS. 

  • Knowledge of web CMS implementation and theming including WordPress.

What’s In It For You:

Aside from the competitive remuneration and perks that the company offers, working with DevriX is an amazing opportunity because you will: 

  • Work in a team of motivated hustlers. 

  • Work on high-profile projects for international brands or digital products generating more than 2 billion monthly pageviews.

  • Get the opportunity to own and lead some of our products.

  • Join a fun and friendly working environment where team spirit is very well developed and very important.

  • Get a free Multisport card and 24/7 access to a sports room at the office.

  • Make use of our learning materials, books, and courses (plus new ones provided upon request). 

  • Take advantage of birthday vouchers, company discounts for various commercial places, and others.

  • Take part in constant internal technical and soft skills trainings, plus additional ones of your choice.

  • Enjoy fresh fruits at the office daily.

We can’t wait to hear from you, so don’t waste any time and send us your CV and portfolio

All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности