REALA A.E. is a company registered in Greece the business of which is construction and management in hospitality industry. The company owns five-star Thassos Grand Resort located on Thassos Island.REALA A.E. е дружество, регистрирано в Гърция, чиято сфера на дейност е строителството и управлението на хотели. Компанията е собственик на петзвездния комплекс Thassos Grand Resort, разположени на остров Тасос.
REALA A.E. is a Greek company investor in tourism and hospitality industry and owner of five-star Thassos Grand Resort located on Thassos Island in Greece.
For season 2019 we are looking to employ a proactive person for the position of
Your main duties and responsibilities will be:
- Completion of the night audit for Front office / Reception as well as the other hotel departments
- Observance of all standards and rules related to night operation
- Preparation of respective reports and analyses
The candidates must possess:
- Experience on the same position
- Skills for work with professional hotel software
- Fluent English language. Proficiency in Greek language will be considered an advantage
- Organisational skills, a good team-player
We offer
· An attractive remuneration corresponding to the experience and motivation of candidates
· Accommodation and food
· Labour contract and social insurance
If this proposal interests you and you are ready to take the challenge, send your CV.
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Ресторанти, Заведения, Хотели, Туризъм
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Ресторанти, Заведения, Хотели, Туризъм