Мениджър проекти / Project manager

Ние сме ПАЛАДИУМ ЕООД, компания с над 25 годишен опит – водещ международен дистрибутор и производител на работно облекло, обувки и предпазни средства. Нашата мисия е да „доставяме безопасност”, следвайки визията си да бъдем най-добрият интегриран доставчик на безопасност за работното място, както и да осигуряваме първокласно обслужване на клиентите и партньорите ни. 

Мениджър проекти / Project manager
We are PALADIUM Ltd., a company with over 25 years of experience - a leading international distributor and manufacturer of workwear, footwear and protective equipment. Our mission is to "deliver safety", following our vision to be the best integrated provider of safety for the workplace, as well as to provide first-class service to our customers and partners.
We are focused on sustainable growth through continuous improvement. We believe that our employees are the basis of our success and together with their development we build the successful development of the whole company.
Roles and responsibilities:
• Project manager for various company projects in sales and management;
• Organization and execution of the projects together with other departments;
• Project definition and set-up, definition of project objectives, scope, out-of scope and priorities and their reconciliation and negotiation with the patron;
• Monitoring and management of performance, quality, schedules, resources;
• Decision-making processes and/or issue escalation within the course of the project;
• Management of information flow and the communication within the project as well as the incoming and outgoing information;
• Active participation in the implementation of new products, services and processes;
• Responsible for employees’ training development and for other planned qualification activities within the projects;
• Coordination of the work and interaction between the different departments;
• Preparation of a schedule with deadlines and following it;
• Team management;
Qualifications and Requirements:
• University degree in Business Administration, Economics or a relative major;
• 2 years professional experience in similar title, preferably in the area of project management;
• Good knowledge of the Project Management discipline;
• Strong knowledge of MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Access );
• Good knowledge in ERP systems;
• Fluent in English both spoken and written;
• Strong communication and analytical skills;
• Excellent organizational and management skills;
What we offer:
• A position in the upper part of the company hierarchy;
• Attractive and motivating salary;
• Bonus pay based on performance;
• Options for promotions within the company;
• Health insurance;
• Phone and laptop;
• A challenging and dynamic work environment with a culture that is open, innovative and performance-oriented;
If you are interested in the position and wish to apply, we expect you to send the necessary documents – CV with an up-to-date photo and portfolio;
Candidates approved by documents will receive feedback and an invitation for an interview. All documents will be considered according to LPPD/GDPR.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби