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Junior SEO Tech (remote)

411 Маркетинг е член на групата компании 411 Locals. 411 Locals е агенция за пълно обслужване в сферата на Интернет рекламата, специализирана в оптимизацията за търсачки, уеб дизайн, онлайн и мобилен маркетинг. Ние сме в бизнеса повече от десет години с офиси в Съединените щати и Европа. The Better Business Bureau даде на 411 Locals "А" рейтинг, най-високата от всяка агенция за интернет реклама. Ние сме компанията с най-висок рейтинг на доверие в онлайн маркетинга. Нашият все по-голям екип от експерти на SEO, уеб дизайнери, търговци, и програмисти е високо квалифициран в своята област. Ние сме помогнали на над 40 000 компании значително да подобрят продажбите си чрез онлайн маркетинг, дизайн и оптимизация, което прави 411 Locals, една от най-успешните агенции за интернет реклама в света. Въпреки значителният ни растеж и успехи , ние се ангажираме да даваме на всеки клиент индивидуално внимание!

We are a team of ambitious young people dedicated to helping people promote their business online more efficiently. Over the years, we have successfully worked with more than 32 000 small and medium businesses both in Europe and the USA.
Execute integrated SEO programs across Google and Bing in the US and internationally;
Optimize search results for key branded and generic terms in both US and foreign markets;
Perform keyword research and competitive analysis;
Provide regular analysis and recommendations for website content with metadata, Site speed, and Information architecture, and apply them to the existing websites;
Review web analytics to understand and report on program effectiveness and uncover opportunities for improvement
Monitor and evaluate search results and performance across the major search channels;
Prepare dashboards and regular reporting for management;
Continually develop new ideas for testing, and execute those tests;
Regularly communicate to team and management on project development and results;
Research and keep pace with SEO industry trends and developments;
Company Values
Get Stuff Done, Deliver Results, Own It!
Directly Communicate, Fiercely Collaborate
Work together to solve issues and improve the business quickly, efficiently, and effectively. Passionately debate ideas to get to the best outcome and then once a decision has been made move forward together to make it successful as a cross-functional team.
Innovate Always and in All Ways
Always be looking for new business opportunities and new ways to serve our customers.
Never satisfied with how things are currently and always look to make improvements.
Domain Experts, Company Experts
Growth: Customers, Company, People
Base salary +Performance bonus based on KPI’s

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности