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Digital Marketing Brand Manager

Група Бош е водещ световен доставчик на технологии и услуги с около 394,500 служители (към 31.12.2020 г.). По предварителни данни през 2020 г. компанията реализира продажби в размер на 71,6 млрд. евро. Дейността на Бош е организирана в четири бизнес сектора – „Решения за мобилност”, „Индустриална техника”, „Потребителски стоки” и „Енергийна и сградна техника”. Като водеща IoT компания Бош предлага иновативни решения за интелигентния дом, умните градове, свързаната мобилност и свързаната индустрия. Със своята компетентност в сензорните технологии, софтуера и услугите, както и със своя собствен IoT облак, компанията предлага на потребителите си свързани, разнообразни решения за най-различни области само от един доставчик. Стратегическа цел на Бош е разработването на „Техника за живота” – иновативни и вдъхновяващи решения за подобряване качеството на живот в свързания свят. Група Бош включва Robert Bosch GmbH и неговите около 440 дъщерни и регионални дружества в 60 държави. Заедно с търговските и сервизни партньори, производствената, инженерната и търговската мрежа на Бош включват почти всяка една държава в света. Компанията е основана през 1886 г. в Щутгарт от Роберт Бош (1861 – 1942). Специфичната юридическа структура на Robert Bosch GmbH гарантира предприемаческата свобода на Група Бош, давайки възможност за дългосрочно планиране и инвестиции в значими за нейното бъдеще иновации. Благотворителната фондация Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH притежава 92% от капитала на Robert Bosch GmbH. Мажоритарното право на глас се държи от индустриалния тръст Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG, който изпълнява и предприемаческите функции на собственика. Останалата част от дяловете се управлява от семейство Бош и Robert Bosch GmbH.

Welcome to a place where your ideas lead to something big. Welcome to Bosch!
Bosch is a leading global supplier of technology and services. 
Cars drive autonomously, machines speak to each other, and houses become smarter. At Bosch, we turn these visions into reality to improve the quality of life for people all over the world.

For our local Thermotechnology team we are looking for experienced professional to take the role of

Digital Marketing Brand Manager

Job Description:

Create something new: You are responsible for the whole digital marketing activities and analytics for Bosch Thermotechnology in Bulgaria, from SEA Region (South East Europe), from Data Analysis, Data Acquisition, Content Creation Coordination and supervision, SEO, SEM; You coordinate and track the development and performance of targeted digital activities across all our digital touchpoints and brand campaigns in order to propose optimization strategies and measures together with the country sales organization.

Take responsibility: You consult marketing and sales colleagues in the business on performance tracking and data driven decision making and active testing. You align these topics with the other members of your team and colleagues from other Bosch divisions.

Shape the future: You shape the future of Bosch Thermotechnology in performance marketing, measurement and data analytics with focus on valuable insights and continuous improvement while always having an outside look on new trends and BIC -Best in class- references. You are responsible for selecting the right tools and ensure a state-of-the-art digital implementations and optimizations.

Structured evaluation: You are responsible for standardizing the targeted digital marketing activities, set the relevant SMART KPIs, track performance and define necessary actionable next steps together with the marketing and sales colleagues.


Personality: You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary and dynamic team while involving all relevant stakeholders proactively. You inspire through your open and agile mindset. Your skill set includes excellent analytic competencies, strong communication, presentation, international networking and intercultural abilities. You should also have problem solving mindset, have a solid understanding of digital customer experience principles. Proactive and calm, capable to manage several projects in parallel with a creative eye in order to find solutions to improve online customer journeys.

Working Practice: You have the ability to communicate findings, results and recommendations within an international business. You are able to present complex topics in a simple way, inspire and convince your colleagues.

Experience and Knowledge: Proven track record of 3 – 5 years (minimum) in digital marketing campaigns implementation and evaluation. Hands-on experience and proven success in developing and tracking online marketing strategies (e.g. SEO, SEA, Social Media). In addition, advanced knowledge of Google Analytics and other comparable analytics tools as well as SEO tools such as Moz or SemRush. Experience of using Content Management Systems - as well as Google TagManager are desirable. Hands-on experience with A/B testing solutions (e.g. Google optimize, Optimizely) as well as E-Commerce knowledge & good user and brand understanding

Languages: Fluent in English.

Education: Candidates should ideally have studied Marketing, business related or digital systems subject at degree level and be able to demonstrate experience of working within a marketing team, either agency or client-side, as part of their studies or previous work experience. Desired but not a must, Master degree in Marketing, Online/Performance Marketing, Business Administration or equivalent combination of education and experience.

Additional Information

Our Benefits:

25 days paid annual leave
Birthday off
Baby bounty
Additional health insurance and life insurance
Food vouchers
Transportation allowance
Flexible working time
Work from home
Sports venue pass at a preferential price
Specialized continuous training programs
Employee discounts for company products and services
Wellbeing programs
People-centric corporate culture
High technology and innovative work environment

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби