Data Engineer
Банка ДСК е най-старата търговска банка, разполагаща с най-голямата клонова мрежа в България. Банката има несравнима инфраструктура за предлагане на своите услуги, осигурява високо ниво на обслужване чрез индивидуален подход и пълна гама от банкови продукти и услуги, което я прави и традиционен лидер в банкирането на дребно. Водещата позиция на Банка ДСК в редица сегменти на банковия пазар в България, нейният стремеж към оптимално съчетаване на традиции с постоянно обновление и създаването и поддържането на стандарти в банкирането ежегодно получават заслужено признание, както у нас, така и в чужбина.Банка ДСК съчетава в себе си традиция и история, но също така е и лидер в дигитализирането на банковите услуги в страната. Ние ценим и съхраняваме доверието на нашите клиенти, но и винаги се стремим към тяхната максимална удовлетвореност чрез иновативни решения и hi-tech достижения. Защото Банка ДСК бе първата банка в Югоизточна Европа, която въведе хуманоиден робот в нейните супермодерни офиси и е иноватор в имплементирането на широка гама дигитални услуги в онлайн и мобилния канал, подпис на документ с дигитална писалка и редица други. Защото Банка ДСК съчетава традицията с амбицията.
We are DSK Bank, proud member of OTP Group, a leading financial institution in CEE. As one of the leading banks on the Bulgarian market we pride ourselves in delivering an honest and transparent service to our clients and our employees.
Our values we live and work with are: Customer Focus, Responsibility, Teamwork and Engagement.
We offer you to join a young and dynamic team, and shape the future of banking.
This is a fantastic opportunity for a professional to make real impact within the largest Bank in Bulgaria.
at Data Management Center Directorate
Job responsibilities:
- Understand business requirements and translate them into logical data models;
- Participate in strategic projects sponsored by top management and delivered according to modern agile methodology principles;
- Develop optimal extraction, transformation, and loading of data from a wide range of data sources using (e.g. SQL, ODI, Azure Data Factory)
- Deliver data to provide insights for the business using business intelligence tools e.g. Oracle BI, Power BI
- Implement data quality controls including automation of monitoring dashboards
- Prepare and maintain structured analytical documents and technical specification.
You are the ideal candidate, if you have:
- Bachelor or higher degree in Engineering/Economics or related field
- Practical knowledge of SQL, ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) or other ETL tools
- Experience as data miner, business/data analyst or developer in a financial or technological company.
- Strong analytical and documentation skills.
- Good understanding of Enterprise DWH concept and modelling techniques is a plus
- Independent use of English is a plus
- Result oriented, team player, able to work in a dynamic environment
What we offer to you:
- Perfect opportunities for professional and career development in the leading Retail Bank in Bulgaria
- Dynamic and challenging position offering freedom to present and accomplish your bright ideas
- Competitive remuneration and attractive bonus scheme
- Healthy working environment within a great team of professionals and modern office building in the heart of the city center
- Various opportunities for learning and further development of the professional skills and competences
- Food vouchers; Promo price for Multisport Cards; Discount program with external vendors.
If you are challenged by this opportunity, please send your detailed CV in English with a recent photo not later than 22.07.2022
DSK Bank AD is a company registered in the Commercial Register and the Registry Agency’s Register of Legal Persons Engaged in a Non-Profit Making Activity with United Identification Code 121830616, head office and registered address Sofia 1000, 19, Moskovska Str.
The personal data that you submit when filing an application under this VACANCY NOTICE shall be processed and stored by DSK Bank AD in its capacity of Data Controller under the rigorous compliance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement if such data, as well as the Personal Data Protection Act.
Detailed information about the purposes and the legal grounds for personal data processing; the categories of recipients of personal data; the period for which the personal data will be stored; your rights as personal data subject, as well as information about the way in which you can exercise these rights; contact data of the data protection officer along with any other information which the General Data Protection Regulation prescribes to be provided to the data subjects, has been published in the Careers Section on the webpage of DSK Bank AD.
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Търговия и Продажби
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Търговия и Продажби