Continuous Improvement Manager

Алфа Консулт Европа е фирма за подбор на персонал.Ние предлагаме напълно безплатно за кандидатите :• Консултиране относно работни места и позиции;• Изготвяне на автобиография/CV/в Word и PDF формат;• Дискретност и защита на вашите лични данни;• Без комисионни,такси и удръжки.Лесният начин да си намерите работа!За фирмите предлагаме :• Подбрани кандидати спрямо вашите критерии;• Обучения на персоналът Ви за постигане на по-добри резултати в сферата на продажбите и обслужването на клиенти,както и за подобряване на работният процес;• Тайни клиенти с цел оптимизация на работния процес;• Организиране на фирмени събития.Стремежът ни е да подходим строго индивидуално към нуждите на всеки клиент, за да постигнем максимален резултат във възможно най-кратки срокове!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alpha Consult Europe is a recruitment company.We offer completely free of charge to our candidates:- consulting on available job vacancies on the market;- support for drafting and preparation of a CV;- privacy and protection of your personal data;- no commissions, fees and deductions.The easy way to find a job!For the companies we propose:- selected candidates, according to your criteria;- training your staff to achieve better sale and customer service results;- secret customers to help workflow improving;- organizing of company events.We strive to approach each client's needs individually to get maximum results in shortest possible deadline!

• Analyzing company processes and procedures.
• Developing process enhancement strategies.
• Investigating shortfalls, issues, and complaints in current business processes.
• Establishing norms and standards of company performance.
• Monitoring staff performance and organizational processes.
• Collaborating with other stakeholders to enhance productivity and staff satisfaction.
• Communicating ideas and opinions to other members of management.
• Managing staff cohorts and teams of various sizes.
• Training, mentoring, and guiding team members in new processes.
• Staying up-to-date with developments in management and process optimization.
• A bachelor's degree in business administration, process management, or operations.
• Five years' experience in process optimization, operations, or business management.
• A sharp eye for identifying weak points in processes and organizational structures.
• A strategic and analytical mindset.
• An excellent communicator with top-notch presentation skills.
• A thorough understanding of the latest process enhancement strategies.
• Dynamic thinking and problem-solving abilities.
• Leadership and mentoring skills.
• Confidence in your abilities to lead organizational change.
The company offers:
• competitive salary
• working in dynamic team
• social benefits
• opportunity for further qualification
Телефон за информация: 089 51 58 133 - Орлин Чавдаров
Лиценз № 2892 - 10.10.2019

За обявата

June 10th, 2022

Велико Търново

Търговия и Продажби