Кроношпан България ЕООД logo

Chemical Buyer

Кроношпан е интернационална компания, световен лидер в производството на материали на дървесна основа и множество свързани с тях продукти за строителство и обзавежднане. Компанията има производствени локации и търговски центрове в Европа, Азия и САЩ. Мащабно международно присъствие и пазарно покритие, стремеж за оптимална ефективност и конкурентни условия са само част от основните характеристики, превърнали Кроношпан от малка семейна дъскорезница в Австрия от 1897 до световен лидер с повече от 40 завода в 29 страни и над 14 000 служители по цял Свят.

Main duties and responsibilities:
• Sourcing Raw Materials in the assigned product groups
• Establish and maintain effective supplier relationships
• Negotiate prices, conditions and supplier agreements with company’s suppliers
• Contract management
• Evaluate cost analysis from suppliers
• Follow up material stocks and ensure timely supply of material needs
• Coordinate planning and forecasting activities of Kronospan plants and communicating to suppliers
• Follow market trends and communicate news to internal stakeholders
• Interface with suppliers directly to resolve complaints, maintain forecasts
• University Degree in Chemical Engineering
• 2+ years’ experience in a high-performance business in purchasing, supply chain, manufacturing, engineering or related function. Previous experience in an international environment considered to be an advantage
• Proficiency in English
• Strong negotiations skills
• Deep interpersonal, communication and problem-solving skills
• Ability to work well under pressure, and multi-task
• Excellent analytical and reporting skills
• Rigorous attention to detail
• Capable of taking initiative and independent attitude
• Proactive approach, result and continuous improvement oriented
• Proficiency with the Microsoft Office applications
• Ability for travelling abroad

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби