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Еnglish Home е лидер в областта на луксозният домашнен текстил и аксесоари за дома.Компанията е създадена през 2008 година с централен офис в Истанбул, Турция.В момента English Home разполага с над 400 магазина на територията на Турция, Украйна, Гърция, Румъния, Полша и разбира се България с търговски обекти в София (6), в Бургас (1), в Пловдив (1), във Варна (1), в Велико Търново(1), в Русе (1) Всички магазини на English Home се намират на топ локации и се отличават с изискан интериор и елегантен аранжимент.Концепцията на марката е вдъхновена от британския "кънтри" стил, както и съчетания от пастелни тонове и изящни флорални мотиви, характерни за ориенталската култура. English Home предлага решение за всеки клиент, който иска да превърне дома си в уютно, стилно и комфортно място. Това е възможно благодарение на предлагането огромно разнообразие от продукти и аксесоари, отличаващи се с изключително високо качество и достъпни цени. Марката се отличава с комбинацията от класическа визия, нежни цветови композиции, висококачествени материали и изключително клиентско обслужване. Нашата мисия: Да направим света едно по-красиво място с нашите продукти, за да се почувстват нашите клиенти като у дома си, дори когато не са!Нашето мото:Нашият дом е и ваш дом! Добре дошли у дома!

We are Dutch company creating a new generation 360-degree eCommerce online platform for all-in-one online stores - product storage, online store, call center, marketing, accounting and more.
It is 3 in 1 platform with integrated ERP system and fulfilment warehouse software.
We will be expanding our team in the next years with a plan to grow up to 350 people in the next 5 years and deploy our application in 12 countries.
Now we are looking for CEO for our subsidiary in Bulgaria.
If you are qualified and have interest and knowledge in software and service sales, then we are looking for an expert like you, because:
• We strive for continuous improvement, meeting the high requirements of the customers and business.
• We do not stop to develop, to improve processes, to look for opportunities and to build our unique approach.
• Our team members are important to us. They are a significant part of the puzzle called "team" - colorful, responsible, with great expertise and full of energy.
• We appreciate the efforts of our team members, their skills and bright personality.
What you will do:
• Take lead across all aspects of the company by reviewing how departments work together
• Make key decisions that will affect the company's direction
• Build a positive and productive culture in the workplace
• Organize the company's activities
• Search and recruit top talents
• Business development in Bulgaria and abroad
• Work with key customers
• Coordinate the activities of all units - software, design, marketing, salespeople, project managers, accounting, and others.
• People management
Our Expectations:
• Knowledge of the business processes in a software organization, incl. sales of software or service, document management, people management and management of the processes in the company (Software development is entrusted to the CTO)
• Management experience
• Basic software knowledge
• Experience with sales of software products bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
• 10+ years' experience in business related field
• Strong leadership, decision making and communication skills
What we offer:
• Opportunity for company development on a multinational scale
• Salary – 20 000 BGN net
• 5% share of the profit
• Opportunity to acquire company shares.
• High class company car
• Package with 30% discounts using the services within the same group of companies – hotel and recreation services and healthcare
• Highest package of additional health insurance
• Sport card
• New iPhone and laptop
• Office in the center of Sofia
• Parking slot
• Work in a dynamically developing software company
• Excellent career path - long-term perspective plan
• A friendly team culture that promotes learning and team collaboration
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, we would love to hear from you!
Please note only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further steps.
The ideal candidate will manage the overall operations of the company as well as develop and implement strategies that meet the needs of the customers, the stakeholders, and the employees. They will be responsible for making key decisions and executing the culture of the company.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности