Business Assistant to the CEO
Нашата компания Смарт Органик е водеща в сферата на здравословните био храни. Това което ни движи напред е нашата мисия – да произвеждаме продукти, които радват хората, полезни са за тях и са създадени с грижа към природата. С нас ти можеш да допринесеш за положителната промяна в живота на милиони хора. Нашите брандове Roobar, Bett'r, Kookie Cat, Dragon Superfoods, Курабийница, Био Класа се продават в над 60 държави по света. Постигаме го благодарение на нашия екип от 280 служители, които влагат много страст в това, което правят. Нашите дейности Производство на био и суперхрани Производство на био десерти Международен експорт на био продукти Дистрибуция и внос на био продукти в България Био магазини - Търговия на едро с био суровини.
We all have a special role to play on this planet, we all have unique talents.
Do you want to use yours to make the world a better place?
At Smart Organic our purpose is to produce food that people can enjoy and do good to themselves and the environment. As a front-runner in the organic and health food sector, with us you can make a real difference in the lives of millions.
If you are looking for a challenging and exciting role, where you will acquire deep understanding of the organic business and be part of key projects alongside our CEO,
then you can be our Business Assistant.
What you'll need to succeed?
- Positive and optimistic approach with a passion for healthy living and a "can do" attitude;
- Excellent interpersonal, problem-solving and time management skills;
- Ability to handle a wide variety of activities and confidential matters with discretion;
- Analytical and results-oriented personality;
- Fluency in Bulgarian and English languages;
- Clear driving license (will be advantage).
On this exciting role, you will:
- Assist the CEO with business development projects;
- Manage the CEO's diary including scheduling meetings, travel arrangements, etc;
- Serve as a coordinator between CEO and the team members;
- Prepare draft correspondence, presentations and communication for the CEO where required.
What you'll get in return?
- Opportunity to work with a team of people who really love what they do;
- Competitive remuneration package;
- Additional health insurance;
- Food vouchers;
- Increasing number of paid vacation days;
- Flexible working hours;
- Free access to yoga and anti-stress practices;
- Our healthy products at special prices;
- In-house healthy restaurant; fresh fruits and refreshments at the office
- Team buildings and parties
who put a lot of passion into their work.
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Търговия и Продажби
За обявата
June 10th, 2022
Търговия и Продажби