Кроношпан България ЕООД logo

Business Analyst

Кроношпан е интернационална компания, световен лидер в производството на материали на дървесна основа и множество свързани с тях продукти за строителство и обзавежднане. Компанията има производствени локации и търговски центрове в Европа, Азия и САЩ. Мащабно международно присъствие и пазарно покритие, стремеж за оптимална ефективност и конкурентни условия са само част от основните характеристики, превърнали Кроношпан от малка семейна дъскорезница в Австрия от 1897 до световен лидер с повече от 40 завода в 29 страни и над 14 000 служители по цял Свят.

Main duties and responsibilities:
 Work with data, research, analyze, determine significance, assess implications
 Provide analysis with recommended actions through analytical solutions
 Gather requirements from business and convert functional input into technical specification
 Ensure process operations is consistently and effectively performed according to established procedures, processes and guidelines
 Work closely with the team leaders to ensure accurate reporting and efficiency improvement;
 Participation in projects and trainings related with technical development, improvement and optimization of reporting and analysis
 Build dashboards and help in the development of complex ad hoc quires and analysis
 Contribute for a positive image of the company and the brand
 University degree in Economics (Finance or Business Administration is an advantage)
 Advanced MS Office skills
 Proficiency in English (German language skills are an advantage)
 Strong commercial approach
 Deep analytical thinking
 Presentation and communication skills
 Capable of taking initiative, independent and results-oriented
 Ability to meet tight deadlines
 2+ years work experience in a corporate business structure

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби