ОУШЪНФЕНДЪРС ЕООД се счита за един от най-иновативните брандове наложили се за 30+ години на световният морски пазар. От 1985 г. ОУШЪНФЕНДЪРС е лидер в производството на фендери (кранци). Компанията навлиза на индустриалният пазар в България от април месец на 2016 г. ОУШЪНФЕНДЪРС в България е специализирана в производството на т. нар. Classic Fenders. Компания с над 30 годишна история в производството и въвеждането на уникални по рода си, и високо технологични фендери за плавателни съдове. ОУШЪНФЕНДЪРС представлява бранд от ново поколение, достигнал високо технологични методи за производство на единствените по рода си фендери - OCEAN Classic Boat Fenders. ОУШЪНФЕНДЪРС са известни с фендери отличаващи се с изключително качество, дълъг експлоатационен живот, с впечатляващ и модерен дизайн. ОУШЪНФЕНДЪРС е признат за един от най-иновативните брандове на пазара за фендери в света. Ние ще продължим да произвеждаме… НАЙ-ДОБРИТЕ ФЕНДЕРИ в целият свят. Нашата сила са нашите служители! Добре дошли в свят заобиколен от океан! OCEANFENDERS is being regarded as the most innovative brand in the fenders market. Since 1985 OCEANFENDERS manufactures a unique range of Solid Fenders, Bow and Stern Fenders which are made of Flexible Integral PU Skin Foam.With a history of over 30 years in producing and introducing unique and high technology boat fenders, OCEANFENDERS presented a brand new range the "OCEAN Classic Boat Fenders".OCEANFENDERS boat fenders are renowned for their superior quality, lifetime performance and their exclusive & modern design.Welcome to a world surrounded by OCEANOur Solid fenders are distinguished for their: Superior Quality, Exclusive and modern design, Unique features, Lifetime Performance, Maximum protection, ultimate consistency.OCEANFENDERS is being regarded as the most innovative brand in the fenders market, and we will continue to manufacture...THE BEST BOAT  FENDERS in the world.OCEANFENDERS is seeking to expand its business and premises through immense productive investments and with long-term relations of trust with its partners.

OCEANFENDERS EOOD is being regarded as the most innovative brand in the fenders market since 1985. We are looking for qualified and talented people, which are full of energy and have innovative ideas, and willingness for development in their career.
The company is based in Pernik.
For our accounting team we open a new position:
Job Description:
• Receives and processes all invoices, expense forms and requests for payment.
• Accounting entries in ERP-SAP.
• Responsible for complying with financial and accounting procedures, in accordance with current legislation.
• Responsible for following bank statement and keeps system updated.
• Follows balances of customers and vendors.
• Participate in the preparation of current and annual financial reports.
• Involves in general projects.
• University education and degree in Accounting..
• Excellent knowledge in English language is necessary.
• Proficiency in MS Office applications, especially in Excel.
• Multitasking profile with great organizational skills, flexibility and analytical thinking.
Our Company Offers:
• Competitive payment in accordance with your knowledge and skills.
• Training according the standards and requirements of the work.
• Professional attitude, job in an organization which is a global leader in the industrial market.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


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