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UI/UX Designer

Sellavi е платформа за електронна търговия, която помага на хиляди търговци по целия свят да продават своите стоки, независимо от размера на техния бизнес или областта на експертиза. Нашата мисия е да изведем бизнесите на изцяло ново ниво чрез отворено SaaS решение. Просто казано, ние предлагаме всички основни инструменти (и повече!) за лесно и ефективно създаване на онлайн магазини.Всяко решение и действие, което предприемаме, се основава на това да обслужим клиентите си по-възможно най-добрия начин. Гордеем се с това, че предоставяме цялостно съдействие на своите клиенти – от техническа поддръжка до логистика, доставки и системи за разплащане, опериращи на локално ниво според пазарите, на които сме позиционирани. По този начин можем да помогнем на търговците да се съсредоточат върху най-важното – разрастването на своя бизнес онлайн и увеличаването на продажбите си.Работим глобално с над 170 служители, разположени в 5 различни страни, но това, което ни обединява е общата ни амбиция за растеж, развитие и усъвършенстване с всеки изминал ден. Вярваме в честността и прозрачността и оспорваме идеите си всеки ден, за да можем да помогнем както на своите клиенти, така и на нашата компания да достигнат пълния си потенциал.Sellavi is an e-commerce platform that helps thousands of merchants around the world to sell their goods regardless of their business size or area of expertise. Our mission is to take businesses to a whole new level through an open SaaS solution. Simply put, we offer all the essential tools (and more!) for creating online stores easily and effectively.Every decision and measure that we take is based on serving our customers in the best way possible. We pride ourselves on providing all-around assistance to our clients – from technical support to logistics, delivery and payment systems all of which operate on a local level. In that way, we can help merchants focus on what matters most – growing their business online and increasing their sales. We work globally with over 170 employees located in 5 different countries but what unites us is our common ambition for learning, growing and improving each day. We believe in honesty and transparency and challenge our ideas each day so we can help both our clients and our company to reach their full potential.

Sellavi is an international one-stop-shop e-commerce platform for creating online stores. Our mission is to provide businesses with high-quality and professional services that allow them to establish and grow in the world of Internet commerce. With more than 150,000 online stores on the platform and operations in 5 countries, we are looking to expand our Sofia office.
Who you are:
You're a skilled designer that consistently produces high-quality visuals and interactions on timeframes that would be impossible for most. Your creative vision, execution, and communication abilities are all things you take pride in. You are a great individual contributor who also works well as part of a team.
If seeing your creations come to life in the real world gives you a rush, we're looking for you!
What you’ll do:
• Develop templates for online stores.
• Design UX/UI elements and tools for small- and large-scale websites.
• Implement mobile and responsive designs.
• Ensure website function across devices i.e. desktop, mobile, tablet.
• Fix technical and functionality issues.
• Work closely with the technical support team across the entire client shop lifecycle.
• Create original graphic designs for advertising campaigns (e.g. web banners, social media posts).
Your skill set should cover the following:
• Minimum of 2 years UI/UX design experience
• Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and Figma
• Understanding of mobile first responsive design concepts.
• A strong ability to troubleshoot functional and layout issues.
• Working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JS is an advantage.
• Multi-tasking and time-management skills, with the ability to prioritize tasks.
• Fluent in English, both written and verbal
• Prior experience in a related field or B2B environment is preferred.
If this role describes you, don’t hesitate and drop us your Portfolio and CV!

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби