Ние сме Human Power BG , компания за подбор на персонал със седалище в гр. София.Ако сте собственик на фирма или мениджър, ние ще насочим Вашите очаквания и изисквания към тези специалисти и потенциални кандидати, така че в крайна сметка да имате човека със съответните знания, умения и опит в екипа си.Като изцяло българска компания, ние познаваме много добре нуждите на българския пазар и сме изключително гъвкави и адаптивни.Помагаме на търсещите работа да напреднат в кариерата си с най-добрите решения за това.Стремим се към поддържане на дългосрочни отношения не само с клиентите, но и с кандидатите ни. За нас е важен индивидуалният подход към всеки един от тях, както и откритата комуникация помежду ни.Нашите партньори се увеличават всеки ден и тяхното удовлетворение е най-добрата визитна картичка за нас.Не си поставяме лимити. Развиваме услугата си в браншовете, където има най-голямо търсене: производство, логистика, инженерни/ технически специалности, както и ИТ сектора, финанси и счетоводство, BPO (контакт центрове), търговия.Нашите Услуги:Подбор на персонал - постоянни назначения Съдействие с фирмени обучения Безплатни кариерни консултации Salary survey -  проучвания на пазара на труда, заплатите и условия на труд на Вашите конкуренти. Executive Search Назначаване на хора от чужбина/услугата излиза почти безплатна/. RPO - Recruitment Process Outsourcing Нашите ценности:Безкомпромисна бизнес етика Висок професионализъм Прозрачност Гъвкавост Учене през целия живот Съчетаване на добрите практики с иновационни подходи. Социална Ангажираност: В Human Power BG полагаме усилия да градим положително въздействие върху нашето работно място, околната среда и в общностите, в които оперираме. Затова вдъхновяваме нашите служители да се включват в множество инициативи свързани с набиране на средства за нуждаещите се, почистване на паркове и съдене на дръвчета и много други.Това, което сме приели най-присърце обаче е дългосрочната програма за кариерно ориентиране и развитие **Ранна кариера**.Инвестирането в бъдещето на млади таланти е приоритет и мисия за Human Power BG, затова се стараем да бъдем възможно най-активни във взаимоотношенията си с българските училища и университети като им предоставяме множество възможности за стажове, трейнинги и стипендии.Нашата Визия:Съдействаме на всеки талант в България да намери мечтаната работа, да изгради звездна кариера и да следва житейското си призвание. Да вземем активно участие от изграждането на процъфтяващи компании, устойчиви общности и просперираща българска икономика.Талант след талант.>Our Talent is Finding Yours!<

Human Power BG is an HR agency that offers consultations and recruitment for some of the best companies in Bulgaria.


Our partner is an award-winning SaaS platform to help retailers manage and resell returned stock without the need for return to the retailer.
Our client can help international ecommerce retailers by providing warehouses all over the world.
They operate warehouses in the UK, US, Australia, Germany and France. They also have access to a further 100 warehouses globally that can be switched on according to your needs.

Main duties & responsibilities:
• Create exceptional internal and external facing documentation. These will
include user, integration, and API developer guides along with in-platform,
installation/configuration instructions and system operations.
• Prepare client resources and educational materials, including videos, demos,
tutorials, training materials, guided tours, general & technical overview, and
• Research, write, edit, and revise content that is both engaging and accessible to
user personas with both non-technical and technical backgrounds.
• Publish weekly release notes to internal and external stakeholders with
information on product updates, releases, and fixes.
• Drive documentation consistency and continuously update content with current
• Collaborate with internal teams, including Development, Engineering, Quality Analysis, Product Management, Product Marketing and Customer Enablement.
• Produce high-quality documentation for web-based applications.
• Gather information by working closely with engineers and writers, reading
design documents and specifications, and using pre-release software to write software documentation.
• Update existing docs to reflect changes to functionality.
• Edit existing developer-written content in preparation for publication.
• Create documentation plans and schedules.
• Create and update documentation and help systems for minor and major
• Follow established processes and procedures.
• Support and contribute to departmental goals.
• Contribute with team collaboration between Development, QA, Product
Management, and other groups to plan, research, write, and revise printed and online documentation, including general overviews, tutorials,
2 installation/configuration instructions, training class materials, and API

• At least 2 years of work as a Technical Writer or other Technical Position.
• Strong writing, production, and technical editing skills.
• Very strong analytical skills and ability to operate in a fast-paced environment
with evolving project requirements and priorities.
• Excellent communication and teamwork skills, including willingness and ability
to consult with subject matter experts from engineering, support, and product
• Bachelor's Degree, preferably in a technical field such as computer science or a
focus on English, writing, or communications.
• Perfect command of the English language.
• Attention to detail with a creative eye.
• Portfolio of work and/or writing samples.
• A familiarity with API documentation for NET APIs.
• A familiarity with working and experimenting with code samples to better
understand the needs of API consumers.
• Ability to address feedback efficiently and thoroughly on published content from both customers and internal support representatives.
• Passionate about learning and developing.
• Enjoys working as part of a team in a collaborative environment.
• Ability to communicate complex technical topics to non-technical stakeholders both internally and externally.
• Experience with documentation publishing software.
• Prior experience working within IT Development, SaaS or web-based technology environment. Experience as a Software Product Trainer would also be beneficial.
• Proven experience producing technical content for public consumption.
• Experience with source control systems and workflow tools (JIRA)
• A proactive and open-minded attitude to resolving problems and delivering
• Experience in creating documentation for audiences with different levels of technical skill.
• Ability to read some programming code.
• Experience in presenting technical information in a live setting, such as
classroom training, presentations, or video conference.
• Strong technical aptitude–ability to quickly learn new concepts and tools.
• Desire and ability to innovate and improve upon current processes.
• Experience creating infographics to communicate workflow processes and
abstract topics more clearly.
• Experience working with Agile/Scrum software development teams;
• Experience creating infographics such as diagrams, screenshots, workflows, graphs, etc;

• Sodexo vouchers;
• Option for Multisport card at a discounted price;
• Competitive salary commensurate with experience and education;
• Employee referral program;
• Addtional healthcare with dental service;
• 24/7 access to e-learning platforms;
• Company sponsored certifications and courses.


If this position is of interest to you and you meet the requirements, please send your updated CV.

For any questions you may have, please contact us:
0878 344 034 

Thank you!


We will contact only approved candidates!
Our services are free of charge to all applicants


All candidates will be treated in strict confidence.

All data provided by you is protected by the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Law and will be used only for the purposes of this selection.


Human Power has an indefinite license № 3084 issued by the National Employment Agency to provide services in the field of human resources.


Human Power is part of BNI Industry.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби