Supply Planner

МЕТРО Кеш енд Кери е търговско подразделение на МEТРО Груп, една от най-големите търговски вериги в света. Богатият асортимент от качествени стоки на ниски цени под един покрив, ни прави идеалният партньор за търговци, ресторантьори, хотелиери и други клиенти, които купуват на едро. Успехът на международната експанзия на компанията се дължи на стандартизирана концепция, която гъвкаво се адаптира към условията на местните пазари. В България МЕТРО Кеш енд Кери има над 2000 служители и управлява 11 магазина.

Day in, day out, our wholesale stores offer a customer-tailored assortment and innovative concepts. Help shape the future of wholesale and apply to work at METRO Cash and Carry Bulgaria as a Supply Planner in our newly-formed Planning team.

Your tasks:
• Ensure the appropriate goods availability in the stores and the distribution centers
• Use the sales forecast in order to plan the stock in the optimum way across the distribution network of the company by placing the appropriate orders to suppliers and to distribution centers
• Collaborate with suppliers in order to manage the order fulfillment, to ensure that all delivery conditions are defined based on customer needs
• Places all purchasing orders for all Metro locations (stores, warehouses, distribution center, depot/hub); optimizes orders (at full pallet and or full truck if needed) 
• Manages the customer orders communicated by the store organization.

Your profile: 
• University degree in Economics or Logistics would be an advantage
• Working level in spoken and written English
• Аnalytical skills and logical thinking
• Excellent MS Office literacy (advanced Excel, and/or Database knowledge is an advantage)

We offer you: 
• Good prospects for professional and career development in a fast growing multinational company
• Participation in various national and international projects
• Continuous training in a state of the art environment
• Additional health insurance
• 10% discount at our stores

Would you like to apply for this position?
Submit your CV in English online or to Sofia 1784, Tzarigradsko chaussee blvd 7-11 km, METRO Cash & Carry Bulgaria, Human Resources Department.

Please, specify the Ref. No: SO SP 03

All applications will be treated with confidentiality and used only for a recruitment purpose. Providing your personal data you explicitly agree that it will be processed for the purpose of recruiting and for the purpose of possible signing of a labor contract. The submission of personal data is voluntary and its processing, use in the selection and storage process will be in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. Metro Cash & Carry Bulgaria Ltd. is a personal data administrator and guarantees full protection of the personal data provided. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Deadline for applications: 8 July 2022

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби