In-house translator/editor

Nova Translate е висок клас преводаческа агенция, специализирана в широк спектър услуги, подпомагащи бизнеса и обществото в условията на все по-динамично развиващия се свят, в който живеем. Вече 15 години ние осигуряваме неповторимо качество, висок професионализъм и подплатена отговорност на пазара на преводачески услуги в България.За нас е важно не просто да превеждаме, а постоянно да предлагаме по-добри решения за нашите партньори, които разчитат на нашия професионализъм.

Nova Translate is an innovative translation agency offering a wide range of services for the business and individuals in the constantly changing world. We strive not only to translate, but to constantly offer better solutions to our partners that depend on our expertise.
Currently, we are looking to hire an in-house linguist.
• Translating various kinds of texts from English into Bulgarian and vice-versa;
• Editing texts of freelance translators;
• Performing any other type of linguistic tasks;
Minimum Requirements:
• A degree in English studies or similar education;
• Experience as a translator (either in-house or freelance) of at least 2 years;
• Attention to detail;
• Natural and unambiguous style of expression;
• Formatting texts in Microsoft Word (when necessary);
• Experience as a translator/editor of 3 or more years;
• Ability to work with CAT tools (SDL Trados, MemoQ, etc.);
• Fluency in second foreign language;
• Knowledge of a 2nd foreign language;
The approved applicants will be sent a short test translation before being invited for an interview.
Providing personal data is voluntary and will be used only for evaluating the job applications. All applications are considered confidential.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022

Велико Търново

Административни, Офис и Бизнес дейности