Toro Group S (TGS) е водеща HR консултантска компания, оперираща на пазара повече от 20 години. TGS предоставя висококачествени HR решения в 4 основни насоки – Search & Selection, HR Outsourcing, Assessment & Development, HR Consulting.Направлението Search & Selection е специализирано в идентифициране и привличане на висококвалифицирани професионалисти за мениджърски и експертни позиции, чрез използване на методите на систематично директно търсене, нетуъркинг, база данни, професионални рекламни кампании . Притежаваме сериозен опит в бизнес сектори като Бързооборотни стоки, Индустрия, Фармация, IT and Telecom, Банки и Финансови институции.Toro Group S (TGS) е българският партньор на международната Executive Search компания Friisberg & Partners International. FPI е основана през 1977 и понастоящем е представена с 43 офиса в 23 държави на 5 континента.

For one of our clients, a global manufacturing company, currently in the process of operational and technological transformation - we are searching for a professional for the mission of:
The Major Responsibilities Include:
• Ensures a compliance of the factory's activities with all applicable legal requirements, as well as internal company rules and procedures in the field of HSE and in particular fire and emergency safety, legal compliance with HSE, environmental protection and safe handling of hazardous and flammable materials
• Ensures trouble-free operation in the WWTP through control over the condition of the equipment, reporting, instructions to the personnel and technological control over the processes in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
• Proposes plans for improvement of the technological process in the WWTP, the building stock and the equipment
• Participates actively in the maintenance of the HSE system in the plant, related to the following procedures: Fire and emergency safety, Compliance with legal requirements, Occupational health and factors of the working environment, Hazardous and flammable materials, environmental protection
• Identifies areas for improvement and manages projects for implementation of improvements to ensure compliance with legal and corporate requirements
• Responsible for the organization and conducting of briefings, trainings, exercises and replays of the emergency plan of the employees regarding the fire safety and actions in case of disasters and industrial accidents
• Provides the expert technological preparation of the operators of the wastewater treatment plant
• Organizes and conducts specialized trainings for the factory staff, related to safe work with hazardous materials, occupational health and factors of the working environment, environmental protection, etc
• Monitors the availability and technical serviceability of emergency and fire-fighting equipment and organizes and monitors the implementation of periodic inspections required by law and corporate standards
• Prepares and maintains registers with the necessary machinery, materials and equipment to ensure fire and emergency safety in the plant
• Creates and updates available procedures and standards related to environmental aspects in accordance with corporate and legal requirements. Analyzes the dangers for the environment and, if necessary, seeks assistance from the institutions
• Inspect and evaluate the process and organization of activities related to environmental protection and bring it in line with the requirements of the company and the law
• Creates plans and specifications for waste management, incl. dangerous. Prepares an action plan in case of emergency, related to spills, etc. Train workers on issues related to waste management and environmental protection
• Monitors the activities of the workers engaged in the collection and handling of waste, incl. and hazardous, as well as with external companies involved in the process
• Fills in the necessary documents related to the waste management process and reporting
• Coordinates the process of ordering, delivery, positioning, distribution and utilization of waste presses
• Plans and distributes the tasks and responsibilities for the external cleaning of the plant and monitors their implementation
Experience required:
• Previous experience in HSE, preferably in manufacturing environment
Qualification and skills:
• Relevant university degree
• Knowledge of legal requirements related to occupational safety and environmental protection
• Fluent English
• Computer skills
Personal Characteristics:
• Effective resource management
• Good communication skills
• Time planning and management skills
• Teamwork
The Company Offers:
- An opportunity to join a well-established global food production organization with a strong image and serious know-how, to learn and grow with the company itself
- A chance to join the company in a challenging transformational period in terms of practices and technology. Would be very attractive to ambitious professionals who want to be involved in significant and impacting activities
- Motivating remuneration
- Extensive benefits package offered
If you are interested in this career opportunity, please send us your CV. Only selected candidates will be invited for an interview. All applications will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
License № 2418 from 18.12.2017

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Ремонтни и Монтажни дейности