Дилър на бензиностанция

We are a modern, vertically integrated energy company, one of the largest of in Southeast Europe. Our strategic goal is to become regional leader by 2020. Implementing new technologies and increasing efficiency are central to this strategy.Main business activities of the company are:UPSTREAMWith a long tradition and high-quality resources, NIS is the only company in Serbia which deals with exploration and production of crude oil and gas, as well as with production of geothermal energy. These activities were undertaken in Upstream. The majority of NIS oil fields are located on the territory of Serbia, but the Company has business operations in Serbia, as well as in the region: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Romania.CRUDE REFININGNIS refining complex consists of two refineries, located in Pančevo and Novi Sad, which produce a whole range of petroleum products – from motor gasoline and diesel fuel to mechanical lube oils and feedstock for the etrochemical industry. Implementation of the reconstruction and modernisation programme is crucial for development in this area. Completion of construction of the Mild Hydrocracking and Hydrotreating Plants (MHC/DHT) by the end of 2012 is the biggest investment so far, owing to which NIS will completely transform its production and will start producing fuels in compliance with the Euro 5 quality standard.SALES AND DISTRIBUTION OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTSActivities in Sales and Distribution of Petroleum Products are directly organised in order to satisfy customers’ needs. NIS owns the largest network of petrol stations in Serbia- 417, 10 loading terminals, 18 LPG bottle shops, and a network of depots across Serbia.OILFIELD SERVICESOilfield Services perform activities related to: geophysical exploration; drilling, workover and equipment of oil and gas wells; special operations and measuring for oil, gas and water wells; maintenance and overhaul of facilities and equipment, construction of pipelines, installations and oil and gas technological systems, as well as transportation of equipment and personnel.Seasoned staff and modern equipment make it possible for the Oilfield Services to operate all over the world (former Soviet republics, Asia Minor, North Africa), and successfully compete with global companies.ENERGYNIS formed the Energy organisational unit in compliance with the development strategy, recognising the key activities: positioning NIS as an important energy company in Serbia and the region, increasing the utilisation of renewable energy sources (geothermal energy, solar and wind energy), conventional energy production (cogeneration, generation of electrical energy by constructing large heating plants)NIS AT FIRST GLANCE• One of the largest vertically integrated energy companies in Southeast Europe• Public company:- 56.15% Gazprom Neft- 29.88% Republic of Serbia- 13.97% minority shareholders• Six main business activities:- Exploration and Production of Crude oil and Gas - Refining of Crude Oil and Gas- Petrochemistry- Oils and Lubes- Oilfield Services- Energy• International company - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Montenegro, Angola, Egypt, Turkmenistan• Biggest contributor to the Serbian budget (13% of the budget)• The most successful company in Serbia• One of the biggest investors in the BalkansIn accordance with our mission and visoin, we are dedicated to resposible use of natural resources and sustainable development, implementation of modern technologies, increase in total efficiency and a European standard in products and services. We nurture a high level of corporate managemnet and environmental responsibility.Basic production capacities are located in Serbia, which, owing to its geographical position, is a natural centre of trade and investment in the Balkans. NIS headquarters are in Novi Sad, and the Business Centres are in Novi Sad and Belgrade.NIS is the first company from Serbia to set up a permanent Representative Office in EU’s effective capital – Brussels, in order to ensure a faster implementation of European standards in business and production, and to help with the EU integration of Serbia.NIS TODAY• NIS is the biggest investor in Serbia in 2011 (mild hydrocracking and hydrotreating complex – EUR 396 million)• NIS owns the biggest retail network in Serbia ( 85% of the total petroleum products market)• NIS introduces modern technologies to all segments of its business operations• NIS was the first to introduce fuel based on European quality standards to the Serbian market.• NISOTEC oil and lubes are winners of multiple awards at fairs.• NIS shares are listed in BELEKS 15 – index of the most liquid companies on the Belgrade Stock Exchange• NIS is one of the most attractive employers in Serbia (always responsible towards its employees, strategically cooperating with universities in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and a part of the Serbian Government’s First Chance internship programme).• NIS is a socially responsible company which supported over 100 cultural, sports, science programmes and young talents in 2011 alone.COMPANY HISTORY The Company has a rich history, and was established, in its present form, in 1991 as a public company for exploration, production, refining and trade in crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas. In 2005, the Company was transformed into a joint stock company, and in 2009, the Russian company Gasprom njeft. became the majority shareholder, which marks the beginning of a new phase in the development of the company, with a focus on modernisation, and a more efficient and profitable way of doing business.OWNERSHIP STRUCTUREGazprom Neft owns 56.15% of NIS shares, while 29.88% are owned by Republic of Serbia. The remaining shares belong to citizens, employees, former employees and other minority shareholders, hence the company having around 3 million shareholders (on September 30, 2011). NIS shares are listed on the Belgrade Stock Exchange.

Дилър на бензиностанция
НИС Петрол ЕООД е част от групата Газпром Нефт. Компанията е изградила верига бензиностанции с покритие на територията на Република България. Търговските обекти оперират под търговската марка Gazprom, позиционирани в премиум сегмента, с иновативна визия и богат асортимент от стоки и услуги.
НИС Петрол ЕООД търси Дилър на бензиностанция, за обект в гр. Ловеч
Основни задължения:
- Управлява бензиностанцията под ръководството на НИС Петрол ЕООД;
- Отговаря за снабдяването, доставките и продажбите на горива;
- Отговаря за снабдяването, доставките и продажбите на хранителни и нехранителни стоки;
- Управлява и менажира персонала на бензиностанцията.
Изисквания към кандидата:
• Опит в управлението на бензиностанция като дилър или управител е предимство;
• Опит в администриране и управлението на търговски екип;
• Познания и търговски опит в сферата на продажбите на горива на дребно и/или FMCG;
• Познания в директните продажби и обслужването на клиенти;
• Познания и опит в управлението на заведение за обществено хранене;
• Познаване на нормативната база в сферата на продажбите на горива и търговията с хранителни стоки;
• Способност за спазване на корпоративни стандарти;
• Висше образование – икономическа или техническа насоченост;
Ние предлагаме: договор за извършване на услуга с НИС Петрол ЕООД,
Одобрените по документи кандидати ще бъдат поканени на среща. Всички кандидатури ще бъдат разглеждани като поверителни и ще бъдат използвани само за целите на подбора по текущата обява.

За обявата

June 10th, 2022


Търговия и Продажби