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За Компания ПУЛ ЕНД БЕЪР България ЕООД

Pull&Bear was founded in 1991 as a men’s fashion brandtargeting younger customers. Today it is a fashion essentialfor those who love a casual, laid-back style. The brand reflectsthe latest international urban trends and club fashions,reinterpreting them in its own unique style and transformingthem into easy-to-wear clothing which offers great value formoney.1998 saw the launch of its first collection for women. Todayit does more than just sell clothes. The brand concept isenjoying an increasingly consolidated position and featuresadditional product ranges such as fragrances, footwear,fashion jewellery, sunglasses, music headphones, etc.Pull&Bear also designs spaces that echo the style of theproducts it sells. It offers welcoming spaces with a uniquedesign in which new furniture mixes with recycled objects,recreating the kind of spaces its younger customers like toinhabit. The new store concept, inspired by the city of PalmSprings, offers a friendly and contemporary atmosphereshowcasing constantly changing products.Pull&Bear has more than 860 stores on the busiest shoppingstreets and in the largest shopping centres in 64 markets.



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